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Case Studies & Results

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Just some of our recent work

Mississippi State University



A university in the Southeastern Conference with a wonderful heritage of working to improve the lives of people in Mississippi and around the world. That said, many of the universities most valuable accomplishments remained hidden and the general population, including Alumni generally unaware.



The positioning for the university was fragmented and inconsistent leaving targets to create a positioning for the university based on their experiences.



After internal research and a very introspective process, the university began to develop a campaign around a symbol of its heritage and a positioning that complimented the history of working to improve lives across the globe.  The tagline "We RingTrue" was selected to symbolize the crossroads of the university heritage and its ability to deliver on its promise to make a difference.


The Allen Company participated in the brand development process and consulted with strategic creative development. The firm was also brought on board by the university to launch its first branding digital marketing campaign, through the Office of Public Affairs in the early spring of 2017. Over the course of the campaign, which included Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Digital Ads, Youtube videos, Social Media and Google AdWords the results far exceeded expectations for a branding effort.


The SEO modifications increased the speed of the website 100%. Overall website traffic increased an astounding 45% but more importantly was mostly driven by the campaign to branding message landing pages titled Additionally, the searchability of important university research topics increased to first page views on Google and click through rates throughout the campaign were far higher than national averages.



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Majek Vineyard & Winery



A vineyard and winery in Moravia, Texas, one hour from San Antonio and Houston, this startup business crafts wine from grapes grown exclusively in Texas. It also offers a tasting-room experience based on southern charm and Texas culture, while promoting local artists and musicians. Owned by a couple with regular 9-to-5 jobs, this business is being crafted to eventually allow the owners to transition to managing it full time.



An up-and-coming business, this winery was on its way to becoming established when we became involved. The busy owner needed assistance managing marketing efforts, tracking results in targeted areas of Texas and driving customers to the vineyard tasting room. They had a unique position in the marketplace but were beginning to have issues while juggling primary jobs and day-to-day winery operations.



After consultations, we developed a marketing calendar, executed public relations efforts, a Google AdWords campaign, print ads, modified the website and instilled overall campaign management – leading to increased, measurable web traffic and improved website performance.

The Allen Company thiinkitbuilditgrowit Majek Vineyard

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Ken Allen

827 Belhaven Street

Jackson, Mississippi 39202​


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